NS enables employees to control their own careers. In 2021, 357 colleagues completed a career orientation programme (2020: 394). We provide information about career opportunities and support through the Careers Platform, including ZIN Loopbaan Coaching, a new self-scanning tool for 21st century skills and a Careers Map that allows employees to explore suitable new positions based on their current roles.
In the event of organisational developments that have consequences for staff, NS ensures they receive guidance from an early stage in finding new employment within or outside NS. We do this to prevent redundancies. Within Retail, we introduced a Career Coaching pilot in 2021 to identify needs among our employees and the career-related questions they have.
In 2021, 1,438 employees came under the anticipatory job mobility measure. Of this group, 410 employees took part in a guidance programme offered by NS. In total, 457 employees were able to find employment within NS or elsewhere during their anticipatory job mobility period.
Over half of all redundant employees found another job within the period in which they received guidance. NS also provides guidance for its employees in connection with re-integration and outplacement. A large proportion of re-integrating employees eventually return to NS either in their own (possibly adapted) job or in another capacity.